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Significance of Navarathiri for Women

Updated: Oct 9, 2022

God is thought of by most of the religions of the world as male. For example, Michelangelo has painted the creation of Adam by God with God depicted as an old man.

Some religions, such as Islam, Judaism and certain Christian sects, prohibit the depiction of God in any form. But still they refer to God with the masculine pronoun.

Before the development of the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God was also worshiped as female in all parts of the world. But after the development and spread of the monotheistic Abrahamic religions, only in India, is God still worshipped as female to any significant extent. Almost every village has a shrine dedicated to the village Goddess. Navaratri is the most important festival in the worship of the Goddess in India.

Mother Adiparasakthi has incarnated in the form of Guru Bangaur Adigalar in Melmaruvathur. Melmaruvathur Siddhar Peedam is dedicated to Mother Adhiparasakthi.

The many festivals throughout the year are all in Her honour. Navaratri is special to the Goddess celebrating the occasion when only God as female could defeat evil personified in the demon Mahishasura.

Women have historically been given a subservient role in society in all spheres including religion. Even where the Goddess is worshipped as in India, it is mainly male priests who perform all the important rituals. It is only in Melmaruvathur Siddhar Peedam that women take the lead in all aspects of the worship of Mother Adiparasakthi and in the organisation

During Navarathiri, there are four things that have to be done every day, the tending of the continuously burning lamp (akhanda villaku), the applying of various substances to the swayambhu (kapu), the decoration of the murti of Mother Adhiparasakthi (alankaram) and the continuous recitation of prayers (laksharchanai).

Women take the lead in all these activities.

The importance that is given to the female is different in emphasis from that of modern feminism. Modern feminism claims that there is no great difference between male and female, that there are only insignificant biological differences and that “gender is a social construct”. But in Melmaruvathur Siddhar Peedam, it is recognized that there is something special in the female. In an oracle Mother Adiparasakthi has said, in Tamil, “Sivanukku Oru Rathiri, adhu Sivarathiri! Sakthikku Onbadhu rathiri, adhu Navarathiri! Indha Navarathiriyil pengalukku mukkiyathuvam undu!” சிவனுக்கு ஒரு இராத்திரி. அது சிவராத்திரி. சக்திக்கு ஒன்பது இராத்திரி. அது நவராத்திரி. It can be understood in English as “There is only one night dedicated to the God Siva (the festival of Sivarathri).But there are nine nights dedicated to the Goddess Sakthi ( which is the festival of Navarathiri) and this is a festival in which women are important”.

In another Arulvaaku, Amma said;

பெண்களின் உலக வாழ்க்கைக்கும் ஆன்மிக வளர்ச்சிக்கும் நவராத்திரி விழா ஒரு முக்கியமான விழாவாகும்.
The Navarathiri festival is an important one for women for their worldly life and for their spiritual growth.

As we celebrate Navarathiri and worship Mother Adhiparasakthi, let us also keep in mind and honour the Female.


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