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Guru Bangaru Adigalar - Teacher and Transformer

adhiparasakthi wallpaper

Adhiparasakthi is in

Melmaruvathur in Three forms

He-Bangaru Adigalar

She-Karuvarai Amman


Adhiparasakthi transformed

Young Bangaru

Her beloved Son, as

Her Incarnation on this earth

To save the human race

Guru Bangaru Adigalar is

Transforming the world

Through divine words-Arulvakku

Adhiparasakthi speaks through Adigalar

He is She

She is He

They walk

They talk

They act

As one

"அவன்" இன்றி "அவள்" இல்லை; "அவள்" இன்றி "அவன்' இல்லை; அவனும் அவளும் ஒன்றே. (அன்னையின் அருள்வாக்கு) “There is no He without She. There is no He without She”. (Arulvaaku)
adhiparasakthi crowd

Wearing a single

Red Cloth

Embodying the message

One Mother-Adhiparasakthi

One clan-Human Race

Same red blood

Clad in red

“ஒரே தாய், ஒரே குலம் என்ற எண்ணம் மனிதனிடம் உண்டாக வேண்டும்”. (அன்னையின் அருள்வாக்கு) The concept that all come from One Mother and belong to the same clan should arise in mankind”. (Amma’s Arulvaaku)
“உடலில் ரத்தம் ஒன்று! மனித இனமும் ஒன்று. அதை உணர்த்தவே இந்த இயக்கத்திற்குச் செவ்வாடை!” (அன்னையின் அருள்வாக்கு) “The blood in all is the same. The Human race is one. The red worn in the temple signifies this”. (Arulvaaku)

bangaru adigalar hd images

Tirelessly, patiently

He listens

To the desperate pleas

Of throngs of devotees

And offers them

Solutions to problems

That appear like mountains

Soon to melt away like the

Morning mist

Under his divine care

He circumambulated

The temple

On hot stone and sand


With his body to absorb

The sins of man


He walks in

Heat and cold

Rain and drought

Around and inside

The temple

And everywhere else

Just as he did

51 years ago

Patiently he offers his

Lotus feet

To his red-clad devotees

Who seek mukti

“அடிகளாரை எப்படி வருத்தி ஆன்மிகத்தில் ஈடுபடுத்துகிறேன் என்பதை புரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும்”. (அன்னையின் அருள்வாக்கு) “You should understand how strenuously I exert Adigalar in spirituality” (Arulvaaku)

bangaru adigalar hd wallpaper

He cures diseases

Incurable by men and

Raised the dead to life

Buddha left

His wife and baby to find


Adi Sankara traveled from

Himalayas to Kanyakumari

To teach Advaita

Bangaru Adigalar is a

Household renunciate- an Illara Thuravi

Teaching the world by example

To stay where we are

To be a dutiful

Son/daughter, spouse, parent

Servant to kith and kin

To be kind and giving

As he is

அடிகளார் இல்லத் துறவியாக இருப்பதுதான் இந்த ஆன்மிக இயக்கத்துக்கே சிறப்பு! (அன்னையின் அருள்வாக்கு) “Adigalar being a household renunciate is what is special about this spiritual movement”. (Arulvakku)
Guru amma teaching

He teaches the world by example

To coexist in harmony and

Work together like the

Five fingers of a hand and

To be alone

In our path of


He travels

By foot, water and air

Into remote villages

And to rich cities

Taking his message

From Local to Global

He transformed

The temple

From its humble rural beginnings

Of thatched roof over the

Swayambu into

A dazzling temple

Wrapped in

Flowers and festoons

He transformed

Worshiping ways

And fire sacrifices

While preserving the essence

With new chakras and

With Tamil mandirams of 108 and 1008

So folks like you and me can partake

In ancient wisdom and rituals

Independent of priests

He transformed

His bounteous land

Into a wonder hospital

To treat

The poor and the rich

He transformed

His bounteous land

To build

Schools and colleges

For students to

Pursue all passions

In technology, arts and the

Art to take care of nature

He transformed

His bounteous land

To build an

Industrial kitchen

And several dining halls

To offer free food

Fit for gods

He transformed

His bounteous land

Into a wild bird and animal sanctuary

Bringing nature and man together

He transformed

His bounteous land

Into a serene meditation mandapam

Befitting the

21 Siddhars who attained

Jeeva Samadhi in the temple grounds

He transforms the

Lives of the vulnerable and disabled

Infusing hope and purpose in

Annai Illam-Mother's Home

He transforms

Women's and widows’ lives

By empowering them

With confidence and resources and

To go boldly

Where they could not go before

In the temple and the world

நாளைய உலகம் சக்தி உலகம்; அடிமைத்தன்மை மாறி, பெண்கள் அறிவாளிகளாகவும் ஆன்மிகத்துறையில் சுதந்திரப் பறவைகளாகவும் மாற வேண்டும் என்பதற்காகவே பெண்களுக்கு முக்கியத்துவம் கொடுக்கிறேன். (அன்னையின் அருள்வாக்கு) “Tomorrow is the Sakthi era. I give importance to women so that they can move from subservience to be free birds in spirituality”. (Arulvaaku)
adhiparasakthi walpaper amman god wallpaper

He transforms the

Lives of the poor

By giving hope and dignity and

Paving way for

Better prospects

He transforms the

Lives of youth by

Teaching them to

Walk a righteous path

Free from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs

And social media craze

He transforms

The world with the

Four Pillars of Truth


Bhakti Dhyanam Thondu Dharmam

He transforms

The hearts of all

To love and give and

To seek inner peace

He teaches the true


Adhiparasakthi Adigalar Amma


Charity Chanting mandirams

Dhyanam Dharmam


“அடிகளார் என்ஜின் போன்றவர்; பெட்டிகளாகிய நீங்கள் அவரைப் பின்பற்றிப் பயன் அடைய வேண்டும்” (அன்னையின் அருள்வாக்கு) “Adigalar is like the locomotive; we the carriages should follow him as a train and benefit” (Arulvaaku)

Guruvadi Saranam! Thiruvadi Saranam!


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