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Bangaru Adigalar Amma’s Deepavali Message

Amma's Deepavali Blessings In a Previous Year

Om Sakthi! Adhiparasakthi!

We should see Nature as God.
Bangaru adigalar amma meditation

Deepavali is a festival of light. Just as lighting the lamp in the home dispels darkness, lighting the light of love, light of knowledge and light of spirituality will dispel the inner darkness. Just as we share joy and love with relatives and friends on Deepavali day, we should similarly bring joy and love in the hearts of the poor around us by offering food and clothes to them.

Parents should be respected and venerated. The blessings that come from their happiness will become a protective armour for their children. Those who respect their parents will live a prosperous and happy life.

Family celebrating Diwali

We must realise that when nature fails us, our lives will fail. We must regard nature as god. Without nature, there is no life. No technology can really control nature. Even the technologically most advanced countries in the world are unable to prevent natural disasters.

We hear from medical and scientific reports that using the inventions of T.V and cell phones have adversely affected our eyes, ears and mind. Yet we are unable to free ourselves from addiction to them and suffer the ill-effects. Just as an ant attracted to a sticky sweet thing loses its life there, humans today are unable to free themselves from their addiction to modern inventions.

Even after reaching the height of worldly success, humans face fear in their lives about their future. To free ourselves from insecurity we must attain True Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom. We must purify and control our minds, we must follow a path of righteous ways and morals, and show true love to all.

We need agriculture for our food. For that, nature's cooperation is essential and we must respect and revere nature. Ploughing the earth excessively, polluting the air and water, and destroying forests, are actions that harm nature. The resulting natural disasters cannot be stopped by any technology. Traditional food crops like small grain varieties of millets and corn should be grown more. We invite diseases by eating processed food instead of these natural foods.

Thulasi plant

Deepavali is known for sweets. But that does not mean that we should excessively consume sweets. Just as eating sweets excessively causes health issues, excessive desires also cause suffering. We must adopt a moral life. We must earn a righteous living. We must give a portion of our earnings to charity. We should not be envious of others. Without desiring a state that is out of our reach, we should be content with the state that is possible for us. We must revere our parents and nature.

Om Sakthi! Adhiparasakthi!

Banguru adigalar amma pictures


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